The names of reporting files should follow strict guidelines and provide several details separated by the underscore character “_”.
Nomenclature | Description |
Code | JRI |
Shop reference | The shop name in capital letters, as defined in the Expert Back Office. Potential space characters are replaced by the “_" character. E.g.: DEMO_STORE for the “DEMO Store” shop. |
Shop ID | The 8-digit website identifier, as defined in the Expert Back Office E.g.: 12345678 |
Date | - Daily frequency: date in the YYMMDD format. Always corresponds to the day before the report was generated.
The report is generated daily. It contains transactions disputed on the previous day. E.g.: 200112 - Weekly frequency: date in the YYWXX format (W stands for Week and XX for the number of the week).
The report is generated every Monday. It contains transactions disputed during the previous week. E.g.: 20W02 - Monthly frequency: date in the YYMXX format (YY for the last two digits of the year, M for month and XX for the number of the month).
The report is generated on the 1st day of the month. It contains transactions disputed during the previous month. E.g.: 20M01
Version | V1 |
Extension | csv |
Filename example: JRI_DEMO_STORE_70258842_200109_V1.csv
The JRI is not available in TEST mode.