These reports are not generated by the payment gateway by default.
The Merchant must configure the frequency of reports delivery via the Expert Back Office (see chapter Configuring the reception frequency).
- by e-mail
To do so, the Merchant must configure the destination e-mail address via the Expert Back Office (see chapter Configuring reception by e-mail).
Reports are generated and sent by e-mail between 2:00 and 7:00 a.m.
- Via your SFTP client
If the Merchant requests it, the files are uploaded in the /log directory of the SFTP client provided by the payment gateway.
The files are available on the SFTP server within 10 minutes after the file is generated.
For new shops, the first provision to the SFTP server is made at 9.10 a.m, Paris time.
- Via CFT (Cross File Transfer)
Requires the installation of the Axway file transfer software and the establishment of a connection with the payment gateway.
Reports are generated and sent between 2:00 a.m and 7:00 a.m.
You can view the date and time of the last report generation. To do so:
- Via the Expert Back Office, go to Settings > Shop > Reports then click on the Operations report tab.
- In the Last generation section, you will find the date and time as well as the name of the file.
If you checked the box “Generate and send empty reports (PRODUCTION mode only)”, this information is less relevant: it will always concern the last generated file according to the chosen frequency, whether it is empty or filled.
Test and production reports are generated at the same time.
The returned information concerns the production report in particular.
If your shop is in test mode, the production report does not exist. The returned information concerns the test report in particular.
If your shop has gone into production, the returned information concerns the production report, unless you have performed test transactions and no production transactions.