Creating a token in Production mode
- The shop must be associated with a distance sale agreement.
- Display the list of PRODUCTION tokens by clicking Management > Recurring payments.
- Click Create.
- Select the Shop to notify from the list if you have several shops.
- Enter the Buyer e-mail e-mail address.
- A token is generated by default in the Token ID field. You can click on the button Generate a new identifier if you wish. You also can enter your own token. You must, however, make sure it is unique.
- Select the payment method from the list. The presented payment methods depend on the MIDs associated with your shop.
- Enter the buyer’s card details.
- Card number
- Expiry date
- CVV code
- If you wish, you can select the used currency when checking the payment method.
This choice is useful when you have a multi-currency agreement associated with several shops, where each shop only supports one currency.
It will always be possible to use the token for making payments in any currency supported by the agreement.
- Click Next. The buyer detail entry page appears.The Token section reminds you of the specified e-mail and the created token.
- Fill in the information about the buyer.
These details are useful for buyer identification.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
The buyer’s “First name” and “Last name” are mandatory when creating a SEPA mandate.
- Click Create to complete the process.