Obtaining help on the Merchant Back Office
Do you have a question related to fraud, your payments or a technical issue and you want to contact support via Merchant Back Office?
- Once you are signed in to your Merchant Back Office, click on the question mark icon in the top right corner
The following window appears:
- If you do not require urgent help, you can view the information in the Documentation tab.You will find:
- A video presentation of the Merchant Back Office.
- A link to the Status page that displays the service statuses in real time.
- A link to the online document archive regarding your solution.
- If you need to contact support, display the Contact support tab and use the available communication methods.
- Phone assistance: call the phone number on the indicated days and time slots and follow the instructions.
- Technical question: send your e-mail to support-ecommerce@lyra-collect.com.
- Questions related to your payments and to fraud: send your e-mail to operation@lyra-collect.com.
Please remember to mention your customer code (e.g. CLXXX532) in all your e-mails or calls. It will help us identify you more easily.