Payment by token
Payment by token allows to use a pre-registered token for making single or multiple payments without having to select a payment method and enter banking details.
In this case, a simple confirmation step is presented with a summary of the transaction (number and amount).
Simplified diagram
- The merchant site submits a payment request with reusing an alias.
The buyer checks the information displayed on the payment page, enters the CVV of their card and confirms.
When the token is associated with an expired payment method, the gateway automatically suggests to the buyer to enter the new banking details in order to perform the payment and update the associated token. - The payment gateway initiates the cardholder’s authentication process with the issuer.For this use case, regulations require the CVV to be entered and the holder to be authenticated.
Authentication is performed for the payment amount.
- Once the authentication (challenge or frictionless) is completed, the gateway proceeds with the authorization request by providing the cardholder’s authentication details.
- The issuer generates a unique transaction identifier and transmits it in the response to the authorization request.
- The payment gateway notifies the merchant website about the result.
The gateway displays the receipt to the buyer.
If you have configured the corresponding notification rules, the buyer will receive an e-mail with payment confirmation.
The issuer transaction ID is stored by the payment gateway.
In case the merchant duplicates (MIT) the transaction, the gateway will automatically use this identifier as a chaining reference.
In this use case, the way the chaining reference is handled is transparent to the merchant.