Retrieving the details of the generated seller
When the request results in the creation of a vendor, the registration object is assigned the status SUCCEEDED.
When the registrations_read resource is called, the seller property is then populated with the uuid of the seller associated with the request.
Sample response body:
{ "uuid": "ebc05292-6d8e-4cff-a2fe-aba6e1a97c6a", "seller": "f8dcc611-bbaa-411a-8f28-ea2d6e4f49a8", "href": "", "created_at": "2021-05-17T14:07:49.610694Z", "updated_at": "2021-05-31T13:08:26.148465Z", "marketplace": "2434c0a2-9d46-4e96-9553-1536c898625b", ... }
The seller’s uuid then allows you to create orders on this seller.
This step is not necessary for creating orders if you have defined an external_ref for your enrollment request. You can then directly create the order using the value of external_ref with the seller_external_ref property.
If needed, you can view seller details by calling the sellers_read resource.
Example of a request body for viewing seller details:
{ "uuid":"a7dfdb01-bf23-4980-adc6-34c17ed3f887", "external_ref":null, "href":"", "created_at":"2021-06-01T09:15:43.201011Z", "updated_at":"2022-03-28T14:45:49.522174Z", "marketplace":"57595c55-b096-41d8-9287-b98640de3f25", "reference":"SL271155", "description":"Everything for the kitchen", "bic":"", "iban":"", "status":"ACTIVE", "cashout_delay":4, "is_marketplace_seller":false, "links":{ "items":{ "href":"" }, "transfers":{ "href":"" } }, "vouchers":[] }