- At the marketplace level
The marketplace must be eligible for the specified voucher MID(s).
To make sure, make a GET request on the marketplace resource with the “vouchers” attribute:GET /marketplaces/{uuid}
For example, for a marketplace eligible for CONECS and CVCONNECT MIDs, the response will contain the following object list:... "vouchers":[ { "contract_type":"CONECS" }, { "contract_type":"CVCONNECT" } ] ...
These parameters are specified by the Lyra Collect services. You can contact tech support if you notice a deviation from the expected configuration.
- At the sub-merchants’ level
The MID must be specified at the sub-merchant’s level.
For example, for a sub-merchant whose only active MID is CONECS:GET /sellers/{uuid}
Example:... "vouchers":[ { "contract_type":"CONECS" "contract_number":"1999011" } ] ...
To create or activate a MID at the sub-merchant level via the onboarding API, see the corresponding documentation.