List of cashouts
The list of marketplace cashouts can be viewed at the following URL:
GET /cashouts/
The results are returned as follows:
{ "count": 3, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "href": "/marketplace/cashouts/749e668e-526d-41ec-8e7c-e5afc3d89ddc", "uuid": "749e668e-526d-41ec-8e7c-e5afc3d89ddc", "seller": "b646ea68-a145-4a5a-8a6f-55e8f68643dd", "seller_external_ref": "ref039412", "ref": "demoeYDPnZuC", "status": "CREATED", "amount": 1900, "currency": "EUR", "captured_at": "2019-04-04", "capture_label": "MYMKPSLR1012324" }, { "href": "/marketplace/cashouts/b92d904a-8613-4368-98b7-96d75a623d97", "uuid": "b92d904a-8613-4368-98b7-96d75a623d97", "seller": "f8dcc611-bbaa-411a-8f28-ea2d6e4f49a8", "seller_external_ref": "ref09523", "ref": "demoeYDPnZuC", "status": "CREATED", "amount": 1900, "currency": "EUR", "captured_at": "2019-03-03", "capture_label":"MYMKPSLR1012325" }, { "href": "/marketplace/cashouts/f9132b0b-8d42-4409-b3e1-c1c6d711688b", "uuid": "f9132b0b-8d42-4409-b3e1-c1c6d711688b", "seller":"4d20a9d4-0526-4474-b452-e936dc25418d", "seller_external_ref": "ref012345", "ref": "demoeYDPnZuC", "status": "CREATED", "amount": 1450, "currency": "EUR", "captured_at": "2019-01-01", "capture_label": "MYMKPSLR1012326" } ] }
These results are sorted by capture date in descending order (attribute captured_at).
They are displayed in a paginated manner. There are 100 cashouts per page.
The "next" and "previous" links, when they are populated, allow to navigate between pages.
It is also possible to filter the results of this list by their capture date.
In this case, the capture_start_date and/or capture_end_date parameters must be defined as follows:
GET https://.../marketplace/cashouts/?capture_start_date=2019-02-01&capture_end_date=2019-03-31
GET https://.../marketplace/cashouts/?capture_start_date=2019-02-01
GET https://.../marketplace/cashouts/?capture_end_date=2019-01-01
If the capture_start_date parameter is specified but capture_end_date is not, the latter is set to the current date (“today”).
On the other hand, if the capture_start_date parameter is omitted but capture_end_date is specified, the selection will take the cashouts from the beginning until the specified date.