Processing the return to the Marketplace
In order to redirect the buyer to the Marketplace, several attributes of the ORDER resource can be specified:
- "url_return" is the default return URL. You can use only this attribute if you do not want to differentiate return cases. The following attributes override its value on a case-by-case basis.
- "url_success" is the URL called if the payment is successfully completed.
- "url_refused" is the URL called if the payment is refused.
- "url_cancel" is the URL called if the payment is canceled.
- "url_error" is the URL called if the payment results in an error.
By default, the payment data is sent to the return URL in an HTTP GET form (in the “query string”).
This behavior can be overridden via the "return_mode" attribute that can take the following values:
- 'NONE': no parameters are sent to the return URL.
- 'POST': the parameters are sent to the return URL in an HTTP POST form (if the return to the shop is done in a non-https environment, the browser will display a security pop-up message to the buyer).
- 'GET' (by default): The return fields are transmitted to the return URL in an HTTP GET form (in the “query string”).
Note: the return to the Marketplace should only allow you to show visual context to the buyer. Do not use the received data for processing in the database or for checking the payment status.