Installment payment features
This module also allows you to offer the possibility to pay in installments. In module settings, you can choose the number of installments and the delay in days between each installment.
This module will allow you to view an order in your Odoo Back Office with the total amount that has been paid using the “payment in 3 installments with no fees” module, for instance.
During the first installment payment, an authorization request for the amount of the first installment is sent (if the capture date is before the current date + 6). Therefore, you cannot be sure that the upcoming installments will be honored. Remember to check that the upcoming installments are authorized.
Starting from the second installment, the IPN is no longer called, as Odoo does not support such notifications for finalized orders. It is needless to resend the IPN from the Back Office.
However, it is possible to be notified by e-mail in case one of the following installment payments is refused. All you need to do is enable and configure the Installment payment rejection e-mail rule. This rule can be set via Settings > Notification rules > E-mail sent to the merchant tab of Expert Back Office.
Additional feature implemented into this module.
For installment payments, the Lyra Collect payment gateway allows to also choose the amount of the first installment.
For an amount of 100 EUR in 3 installments, you can set the percentage of the first payment at 50% of the amount. This means that the amount of the first installment will be 50 EUR and that the two others will be of 25 EUR.
Payment method view
In module settings, you can define the minimum amount starting from which you wish to offer installment payment.
You can also set up the maximum amount until which you wish to offer installment payment.
To sum up, you must define a range for enabling payment in installments.