Installation of the module
- Unzip the file.
- Copy the payment_lyra directory into the folder addons of Odoo.
The addons directory can be found via:
- /server/odoo/addons/ for Windows servers.
- /var/lib/odoo/addons/[VERSION]/ for Linux servers.
If there are no addons in any of these directories, check the addon_path line in the odoo.conf file. The path indicates the location of addons.
- In order to update the cache of Odoo applications, you must:
- Enable the developer mode via the Odoo Back Office (Configuration > Activate the developer mode), then go to Apps and select Update Apps List.
- Restart the Odoo server using the sudo systemctl restart odoo command on Linux, or by restarting the Odoo service via Windows.
- Go to Applications via the Odoo Back Office.
- Remove the Applications filter in the search bar and enter lyra.
- Click the Install (or update) button.