Module features
- Immediate payment
- Payment in installments
- Multi-language compatibility
- Multi-currency compatibility
- Custom 3D Secure depending on the order amount
- Automatic redirection to the shop once the payment is made
- Definition of a minimum/maximum amount for each payment type
- Configuration of the order status in case of success / failure / cancellation
- Possibility to notify the Buyer in case of a refused or canceled payment
- Systematic registration of orders at the end of payment via a silent URL (Instant Payment Notification URL)
Features not available via the payment module:
- 1-click payment
- Klarna payment
- Oney 3x 4x payment
- Automatic update or orders OpenCart in case of validation, duplication, cancellation, refund, modification via the Expert Back Office
- Update of deferred payment final result in OpenCart
- Update in OpenCart of an expired payment if a payment with manual validation has not been validated in time by the Merchant