Installing and configuringMultibanco (MB Way)
WARNING: You must have a Multibanco contract associated with your shop to offer this payment method.
To install the payment methodMB WayonShopify:
- Click on the following link:
- If you are not connected to your store, enter your login and password Shopify.
- Click Install.
- You are redirected to the module configuration page.
- Open another tab in your browser.
- Log in to the Expert Back Office, via le Marchant Back Office Lyra with your identifiers : Click Other actions and then click on the Expert Back Office button.
- Go to Settings > Shop.
- Click the Keys tab.
- Copy your Shop ID.
- Return to the Shopify Back Office.
- Paste your Shop ID into the Shop ID parameter.
- Return to the Expert Back Office.
- Copy your Production key.
- Return to the Shopify Back Office.
- Paste the production key to the Signature key parameter.
- Once you have completed the configuration, click Accessing.
- Click the Enable button to save the changes.