PSP error codes
PSP errors (Payment Service Provider) occur when the PSP cannot process the request.
Code | MESSAGE |
PSP_001 | Unauthorized action. |
PSP_002 | Invalid attribute. |
PSP_003 | Payment refused. |
PSP_010 | Transaction not found. A technical problem occurred while retrieving the transaction information. Many REST Web Services can have this error code, such as Transaction/CancelOrRefund , Transaction/Get , Transaction/Update , Transaction/Validate... (non-exhaustive list ). |
PSP_011 | Incorrect transaction status. |
PSP_012 | This transaction already exists. |
PSP_013 | The date is too far from the current date (in UTC). |
PSP_014 | No change. |
PSP_015 | Too many results. |
PSP_016 | Duplication forbidden. |
PSP_020 | Invalid amount. |
PSP_021 | Unknown currency. |
PSP_022 | Unknown card type. |
PSP_023 | Invalid expiry date. |
PSP_024 | CVV is mandatory. |
PSP_025 | Unknown contract (MID) number. |
PSP_026 | The card number is invalid. |
PSP_027 | No contract found with tid and mid provided. |
PSP_030 | Token not found. |
PSP_031 | Invalid token (canceled, empty, etc.). |
PSP_032 | subscriptionId attribute not found. |
PSP_033 | The rrule attribute is invalid or recurring payment already canceled. |
PSP_034 | The token already exists. |
PSP_035 | Token creation denied. |
PSP_036 | paymentMethodToken attribute purged. |
PSP_040 | The amount attribute is not authorized. |
PSP_041 | Card range not found. |
PSP_042 | The payment method has insufficient funds. |
PSP_043 | Refund is not allowed for this MID. |
PSP_050 | No brand found. |
PSP_051 | The merchant is not enrolled. |
PSP_052 | The ACS signature is invalid. |
PSP_053 | 3DS technical error. |
PSP_054 | Incorrect 3DS parameter. |
PSP_055 | 3DS disabled. |
PSP_056 | PAN not found. |
PSP_057 | The specific data that must be transmitted to the acquirer is invalid. |
PSP_075 | Cancellation impossible, please try a refund. |
PSP_076 | The refund operation is not yet available, please try to cancel. |
PSP_077 | L'acquéreur Redeban n'autorise pas le remboursement sur une carte MAESTRO. Veuillez contacter RBM l'adresse mail: |
PSP_078 | L'acquéreur Credibanco n'autorise pas le remboursement sur les cartes AMEX. Veuillez contacter Credibanco à l'adresse mail: |
PSP_079 | L'acquéreur Redeban n'autorise pas le remboursement sur les cartes Diners. Veuillez contacter Davivienda à l'adresse mail |
PSP_080 | Unauthorized capture as the transaction is not recorded in a CNAB/Remessa file (Boleto payment). |
PSP_081 | Manual capture is not supported within this network. |
PSP_082 | Credit is not allowed for this type of transaction (VERIFICATION, CREDIT). |
PSP_083 | Non-refundable for an unpaid transaction. |
PSP_085 | The eligible amount cannot be negative. |
PSP_087 | The eligible amount is missing. |
PSP_088 | Eligible amount greater than the order amount. |
PSP_089 | Incomplete payment sequence. |
PSP_090 | Refund not authorized. |
PSP_091 | Payment method refused. |
PSP_092 | Impossible to cancel the transaction. |
PSP_093 | Impossible to refund the transaction. |
PSP_097 | OneyWs error. |
PSP_098 | Invalid RequestId attribute. |
PSP_099 | Too many attempts. |
PSP_100 | REST API not enabled. |
PSP_101 | The transaction cannot be refunded. It is the buyer's bank that opposes the refund request. You must reimburse your buyer by another means of payment (check, transfer ...). For the network CB, we indicate the code and the reason of the refusal returned by the bank of the buyer. The refusal code can be found in the detailedErrorCode. For example, if the refund request is on a card that is on hold, the denial code and reason will be "59: suspected fraud" for some acquirers. See the list of return codes specific to the CB network for more details. |
PSP_102 | The transaction cannot be canceled. |
PSP_103 | The amount cannot be defined in the current context. |
PSP_104 | The transaction has already been refunded. |
PSP_105 | The transaction has already been canceled. |
PSP_106 | API call limit exceeded. |
PSP_107 | Card recording is not enabled for this payment method. |
PSP_108 | The payment form has expired. |
PSP_109 | The production mode of the shop is not activated. |
PSP_110 | Transaction cannot be updated. |
PSP_111 | No payment applications found. |
PSP_112 | Unable to refund: the payment method has expired. |
PSP_113 | Duplicate submission. |
PSP_114 | Split payment is not enabled. |
PSP_115 | No payment method defined. |
PSP_136 | 3D Secure session expired. Timeout for 3D Secure authentication. |
PSP_200 | Not enough digits to detect the type. |
PSP_201 | The means of payment is not a card. |
PSP_202 | The payment method has expired. |
PSP_203 | An error occurred while adding to the grey list |
PSP_204 | An error occurred during the verification of the data in the grey list. |
PSP_205 | Data already present in the grey list. |
PSP_206 | Error while decrypting the card number |
PSP_210 | Duplication of verification type transactions forbidden. |
PSP_225 | Error initializing the payment method |
PSP_301 | Authentication session identifier not found |
PSP_302 | Authentication session result not found |
PSP_401 | Transaction not created. |
PSP_501 | Transaction not found. |
PSP_502 | Transaction not found. |
PSP_503 | This action has not been authorized for a transaction with the {0} status. |
PSP_504 | This transaction is not authorized in this context. |
PSP_505 | This transaction already exists. |
PSP_506 | Invalid transaction amount. |
PSP_507 | This action is no longer possible for a transaction created on that day. |
PSP_508 | The expiration date of the card does not allow this action. In this case, no authorization request is made after the expiration date is checked. |
PSP_509 | CVV mandatory for this card. |
PSP_510 | The refund amount is greater than the initial amount. |
PSP_511 | The refunds total amount is greater than the initial amount. |
PSP_512 | Credit duplication (refund) is not authorized. |
PSP_513 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_514 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_515 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_516 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_517 | Aurore MID configuration has failed. |
PSP_518 | Cetelem response analysis has failed. |
PSP_519 | Unknown currency. |
PSP_520 | Invalid type card. |
PSP_521 | No MID has been found for this payment. Please edit the details or contact your manager in case the error reoccurs. |
PSP_522 | Shop not found. |
PSP_523 | Ambiguous MID. |
PSP_524 | Invalid MID. |
PSP_525 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_526 | Invalid card number. |
PSP_527 | Invalid card number. |
PSP_528 | Invalid card number. |
PSP_529 | Invalid card number. |
PSP_530 | Invalid card number (Luhn). |
PSP_531 | Invalid card number (length). |
PSP_532 | Invalid card number (not found). |
PSP_533 | Invalid card number (not found). |
PSP_534 | Failed verification of the card requiring systematic verification. |
PSP_535 | Failed e-Carte Bleue verification. |
PSP_536 | The transaction has been refused by risk management. |
PSP_537 | Interruption not processed during the payment. |
PSP_538 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_539 | 3D Secure refused for the transaction. |
PSP_540 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_541 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_542 | An internal error occurred while consulting the card number. |
PSP_543 | An internal error occurred while consulting the card number. |
PSP_545 | Invalid currency for the modification. |
PSP_546 | The amount is greater than the authorized amount. |
PSP_547 | The desired capture date exceeds the authorization expiration date. |
PSP_548 | The requested modification is invalid. |
PSP_549 | Invalid definition of the installment payment. |
PSP_550 | Unknown shop. |
PSP_551 | Unknown exchange rate. |
PSP_552 | The MID has been terminated since {0}. |
PSP_553 | The shop {0} has been closed since {1}. |
PSP_554 | Rejected parameter that may contain sensitive data {0}. |
PSP_555 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_557 | An error occurred while retrieving the token. |
PSP_558 | The token status is not compatible with this operation. |
PSP_559 | An error occurred while retrieving the token. |
PSP_560 | This token already exists. |
PSP_561 | Invalid token. |
PSP_562 | Alias creation denied. For more information, see the authorizationResult field corresponding to the authorization request return code. You can find the List of Authorization Return Codes on the reasons for denial from the issuing bank. |
PSP_563 | This recurring payment already exists. |
PSP_564 | This recurring payment has already been terminated. |
PSP_565 | Invalid recurring payment. |
PSP_566 | Invalid recurrence rule. |
PSP_567 | Recurring payment creation failed. |
PSP_569 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_570 | Invalid country code. |
PSP_571 | Invalid web service parameter. |
PSP_572 | The authorization has been declined by Cofinoga. |
PSP_573 | Refusal of authorization for 1 euro (or request for information from the CB network if supported by the acquirer). |
PSP_574 | Invalid payment configuration. |
PSP_575 | The operation has been rejected by PayPal. |
PSP_577 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_578 | Transaction ID missing. |
PSP_579 | This transaction ID is already used. |
PSP_580 | Transaction ID expired. |
PSP_581 | Invalid contents of the config theme. |
PSP_582 | The refund is not authorized. |
PSP_583 | The transaction amount does not respect the allowed values. |
PSP_585 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_587 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_591 | No payment options have been enabled for this MID. |
PSP_592 | An error occurred while calculating the payment channel. |
PSP_593 | An error occurred during buyer redirection to the page of payment finalization. |
PSP_594 | A technical error has occurred. |
PSP_596 | An error occurred while capturing this transaction. |
PSP_597 | The capture date is too far. |
PSP_598 | Invalid transaction date. |
PSP_599 | An error occurred while calculating the payment source. |
PSP_600 | Failed commercial card verification. |
PSP_601 | Declined due the refusal of the first installment. |
PSP_603 | The transaction status could not be synchronized with the external system. |
PSP_604 | An error occurred while capturing this transaction. |
PSP_605 | A security error occurred while processing 3DS authorization for this transaction. |
PSP_606 | Unsupported currency on this Merchant ID (MID) and/or shop. |
PSP_607 | The card associated with the token is no longer valid. |
PSP_608 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_609 | The timeout has been exceeded during buyer redirection. |
PSP_610 | None of the MIDs associated with your shop can be used. |
PSP_611 | Refusal of transactions without |
PSP_612 | Cancellation is not authorized. |
PSP_613 | Duplication is not authorized. |
PSP_615 | The refund is not authorized. |
PSP_616 | Manual payment not authorized for this card. |
PSP_618 | Manual installment payment not authorized for this card. |
PSP_619 | The submitted date is invalid. |
PSP_620 | The initial transaction option is not applicable. |
PSP_624 | Inactive card. |
PSP_625 | Payment refused by the acquirer. |
PSP_626 | This action is impossible as the payment sequence has not been completed. |
PSP_636 | Refusal of derivative transactions, without a |
PSP_637 | Duplicate transaction. |
PSP_638 | Partial refund is impossible for this transaction. |
PSP_639 | Refund refused. |
PSP_641 | The transaction has been declined by the risk analyzer. |
PSP_642 | The card type used is not valid for the requested payment mode. |
PSP_643 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_644 | A transaction in production mode has been marked as in test mode by the acquirer. |
PSP_645 | A transaction in test mode has been marked as in production mode by the acquirer. |
PSP_646 | Invalid SMS code. |
PSP_647 | The risk management module has requested for this transaction to be declined. |
PSP_648 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. Transaction has not been created. |
PSP_649 | The payment session has expired (the buyer has been redirected to the ACS and has not finalized the 3D Secure authentication). |
PSP_650 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. Transaction has not been created. |
PSP_651 | A FacilyPay transaction cannot be canceled/edited/refunded between 11.30pm and 5.30am. |
PSP_652 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_653 | A technical error occurred during the call to the Banque Accord service. |
PSP_655 | The FacilyPay transaction could not be canceled/edited/refunded: the transaction status does not allow to perform the requested action. Reminder regarding a FacilyPay transaction: a refund must be made within two days after the capture, the delay between two refunds is one day, a partial refund is limited to 20 days, a full refund is limited to 6 months. |
PSP_658 | Due to a technical problem, we are unable to process your request. |
PSP_659 | The amount is less than the minimum authorized amount (minimum={0} {1}). |
PSP_660 | It is impossible to refund an unpaid transaction. |
PSP_665 | The ID type is specified, but its number is missing. |
PSP_666 | The ID number is specified, but its type is missing. |
PSP_667 | The ID type is unknown. |
PSP_668 | The ID number is invalid. |
PSP_669 | The specific data that must be transmitted to the acquirer is invalid. |
PSP_670 | The deferred payment is not allowed. |
PSP_671 | The deferred payment is not allowed. |
PSP_672 | The selected payment process is invalid. |
PSP_673 | Error of the Express Checkout service at PayPal. |
PSP_675 | Cancellation impossible, please try a refund. |
PSP_676 | Refund impossible, please try a cancellation. |
PSP_677 | No response to the authorization request has been received within the required deadline. |
PSP_678 | Cancellation impossible, the transaction has already been canceled. |
PSP_679 | The transaction status is unknown. |
PSP_682 | The national client identifier is missing. |
PSP_683 | The format of the national client identifier is incorrect. |
PSP_707 | 3D Secure - Refusal of the authentication by the issuer. |
PSP_708 | 3D Secure - Refusal as authentication by the issuer is impossible. |
PSP_713 | 3D Secure - Session altered by the ACS. |
PSP_716 | OTP expired. |
PSP_717 | Invalid OTP. |
PSP_718 | Invalid authentication settings. |
PSP_719 | A technical error occurred during authentication. |
PSP_720 | An internal error occurred during authentication. |
PSP_722 | The authentication has been canceled. |
PSP_994 | Internal error |
PSP_995 | Internal error |
PSP_996 | Technical error. |
PSP_997 | A technical error occurred while trying to authenticate the cardholder. |
PSP_998 | HTTP error. |
PSP_999 | Technical error. |
PSP_1000 | The payment order was not found. |
PSP_1001 | Unable to reach the WhatsApp gateway. |
PSP_1002 | The recipient's phone number is not associated with a WhatsApp account. |
PSP_1003 | WhatsApp configuration missing. |
PSP_1004 | The WhatsApp template is not available for the requested locale. |
PSP_1005 | Unauthorised action with a payment order with "Finalized" status. |
PSP_1006 | Unauthorized action with a payment order with "Expired" status. |
PSP_1007 | The expiration date cannot be before the creation date and cannot exceed 90 days. |
PSP_1008 | Validity date required. |
PSP_1009 | VAT rate required (the VAT rate has not been set as a parameter, could not be calculated and is not configured in the shop). |
PSP_1010 | The payment order does not match the shop identifier. |
PSP_1011 | The payment order does not match the mode (TEST or PRODUCTION). |
PSP_1012 | Invalid locale, expected format: xx_XX. |
PSP_1013 | The languageFallback parameter is invalid, expected format: xx_XX. |
PSP_1014 | The shop does not have a data collection form. |
PSP_1015 | The shop does not have the data collection form function. |
PSP_1016 | Transmission channel not implemented. |
PSP_1017 | Cannot change the transmission channel of a payment order. |
PSP_1018 | Data collection form not available for the currency transmitted in the query. |
PSP_1019 | The subject attribute is required. |
PSP_1020 | The recipient attribute is required. |
PSP_1021 | The message attribute is required. |
PSP_1022 | The e-mail template is not available for the requested locale. |
PSP_1023 | The amount attribute must be set to 0 in case of recording a payment method. |
PSP_1024 | The amount attribute should not be set to 0 in case of a payment. |
PSP_1025 | The paymentReceiptEmail attribute is required. |
PSP_1026 | Duplicate data in the expandedData attribute. |
PSP_1027 | Invalid data in the expandedData attribute. |
PSP_1028 | An unknown error occurred while sending the SMS. |
PSP_1029 | Invalid login or password of the SMS account. |
PSP_1030 | Your SMS account balance is exceeded. |
PSP_1031 | Invalid phone number. |
PSP_1032 | Invalid e-mail address of the recipient of the payment order. |
PSP_1047 | Token already canceled. |
PSP_1048 | Token not found. |
PSP_1091 | QR Code creation failed in the application. |
PSP_1094 | Error during QR Code creation. |
PSP_1095 | The serial number of the device (fieldtransactionOptions.paymentMethodOptions.deviceSerialNumber ) isMandatoryif thetransactionOptions.paymentMethodOptions.paymentSource field has the 'INSTORE’ value. |
PSP_1101 | Unauthorized action for a payment order with canceled status. |
PSP_9999 | Unknown error. |