3DS2 - Frictionless authentication, with the 3DS Method
To test this scenario, use one of the card numbers below:
CARD | Expiry date | Label |
4970110000001029 | To be chosen | VISA |
5100010000000114 | To be chosen | MASTERCARD |
375900000010007 | To be chosen | AMEX |
Exchange flow
1. Call the V4.1/PCI/Charge/CreatePayment Web Service with a 3DS2 enrolled card.
{ "amount": "990", "currency": "EUR", "paymentForms": [ { "pan": "4970110000001029", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 23, "securityCode": "123", "paymentMethodType": "CARD" } ], "customer": { "email": "sample@example.com" } }
Exécutez la librairie JS avec le champ
généré lors de l'appel (lien vers le playground).More info: undefined.
2. Return from the payment gateway server with the payment result.
"answer":{ "shopId": "12345678", "orderCycle": "CLOSED", "orderStatus": "PAID", "serverDate": "2023-05-24T13:17:26+00:00", "orderDetails": { "orderTotalAmount": 990, "orderEffectiveAmount": 990, "orderCurrency": "EUR", "mode": "TEST", "orderId": null, "metadata": null, "_type": "V4/OrderDetails" }, "customer": { "billingDetails": { "address": null, "category": null, "cellPhoneNumber": null, "city": null, "country": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "identityType": null, "language": "FR", "lastName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "title": null, "zipCode": null, "legalName": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/BillingDetails" }, "email": "sample@example.com", "reference": null, "shippingDetails": { "address": null, "address2": null, "category": null, "city": null, "country": null, "deliveryCompanyName": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "lastName": null, "legalName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "shippingMethod": null, "shippingSpeed": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "zipCode": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShippingDetails" }, "extraDetails": { "browserAccept": null, "fingerPrintId": null, "ipAddress": "", "browserUserAgent": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2", "_type": "V4/Customer/ExtraDetails" }, "shoppingCart": { "insuranceAmount": null, "shippingAmount": null, "taxAmount": null, "cartItemInfo": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShoppingCart" }, "_type": "V4/Customer/Customer" }, "transactions": [ { "shopId": "12345678", "uuid": "8b6c485fbf1a4d908f2c6240ff2174db", "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "paymentMethodType": "CARD", "paymentMethodToken": null, "status": "PAID", "detailedStatus": "AUTHORISED", "operationType": "DEBIT", "effectiveStrongAuthentication": "DISABLED", "creationDate": "2023-05-24T13:16:57+00:00", "errorCode": null, "errorMessage": null, "detailedErrorCode": null, "detailedErrorMessage": null, "metadata": null, "transactionDetails": { "liabilityShift": "YES", "effectiveAmount": 990, "effectiveCurrency": "EUR", "creationContext": "CHARGE", "cardDetails": { "paymentSource": "EC", "manualValidation": "NO", "expectedCaptureDate": "2023-05-24T13:16:57+00:00", "effectiveBrand": "VISA", "pan": "497011XXXXXX1029", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2023, "country": "GL", "issuerCode": 17807, "issuerName": "Banque Populaire Occitane", "effectiveProductCode": null, "legacyTransId": "913766", "legacyTransDate": "2023-05-24T13:16:57+00:00", "paymentMethodSource": "NEW", "authorizationResponse": { "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "authorizationDate": "2023-05-24T13:16:57+00:00", "authorizationNumber": "3fe5ec", "authorizationResult": "0", "authorizationMode": "FULL", "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthorizationResponse" }, "captureResponse": { "refundAmount": null, "refundCurrency": null, "captureDate": null, "captureFileNumber": null, "effectiveRefundAmount": null, "effectiveRefundCurrency": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardCaptureResponse" }, "threeDSResponse": { "authenticationResultData": { "transactionCondition": null, "enrolled": null, "status": null, "eci": null, "xid": null, "cavvAlgorithm": null, "cavv": null, "signValid": null, "brand": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthenticationResponse" }, "_type":"V4/PaymentTransaction" } ], "subMerchantDetails":null, "_type":"V4/Payment" }, "ticket":"4e182d2c766e43c287a0467cf3fa581f", "serverDate":"2021-12-01T09:03:27+00:00", "applicationProvider":"", "metadata":null, "mode":"TEST", "serverUrl":"", "_type":"V4/WebService/Response" }