Importing a payment file
This option allows to perform several checks on the structure and contents of your file and make payments based on the information that it contains.
Once the file has been imported and processed, the gateway generates a response file that is sent by e-mail to the address indicated upon import.
Warning: If the file contains structure errors, it will be rejected and no reports will be generated. Therefore, it is important to check the file first.
When you select Import a payment file, the import dialog box appears.
- Click Browse.
- Select the file to import.
The size of the file must not exceed 1kb.
The file must be named according to the rule specified in the chapter Naming rules. Example: 20161229.91335531.PAY.REQ.T.01
- Enter the e-mail address that will receive the payment result.
- Click Import.
If the structure and the contents of the file are correct, the payment details appear without any detected errors.
If the structure and/or the contents of the file are incorrect, a report appears indicating the detected error and the line that contains it.

The tables below present the different types of errors related to structure and/or contents.
- Errors in the Header record line
Error message Description Unknown shop The shop ID specified in the file must refer to one of the shops to which you have access with your Back Office identifiers. - Errors in the Detail record line
Error message Description DATE_TRANSACTION format error The date must have the YYYYMMDD format. TIME_TRANSACTION format error The time format must be HHMMSS. ID_TRANSACTION format error The format of this field must contain 6 numeric characters. The provided transaction ID is already in use The transaction ID must be unique for each day and each shop. TYPE_TRANSACTION format error Must be set to CD. AMOUNT format error (field 7) The amount must be specified in the smallest currency unit. E.g.: 4525 for EUR 45.25
CURRENCY format error (field 8) 3-digit numeric code in compliance with the ISO 4217 standard. E.g.: 978 for euro (EUR)
CAPTURE_DATE format error (field 9) The date must have the YYYYMMDD format. VALIDATION_MODE format error Possible values: - 0 (automatic validation),
- 1 (manual validation),
- empty (default configuration as defined in the Expert Back Office)
The provided token is unknown The tokens specified in the file must exist in TEST recurring payment mode. TOKEN format error The token must not be empty. The provided Merchant ID is unknown (field 12) This optional field must be populated. - Errors in the Trailer record line
Error message Description No trailer (record code 01) The last line of the file must contain the trailer and start with 01. Invalid number of columns The trailer record must include 2 columns. Bad record number Must be equal to the exact number of transmitted detail records. When the detail record contains: - One record line, the value is 1.
- Two record lines, the value is 2.
- Three record lines, the value is 3.
- etc.
- Other technical errors
Error message Description Unknown line type None of the lines appearing before the trailer record of the file must be empty. All lines must start with 00, 01 or 02. Data after end of file No lines (empty or not) must be present after the trailer record.