Operating principle
The used file transfer protocol is SFTP.
In SFTP transactions, the payment gateway plays the role of the server, and the merchant website acts as the client.
The access to the directory where the files will be stored is protected by the username/password combination that was sent to you when the service was first used.
Persistent data
The files uploaded by the Merchant to the SFTP server or generated by the payment gateway are automatically compressed 7 days after their upload date.
The .gz extension is added to the filename.
The files are definitively deleted as soon as their creation date exceeds 15 days.
This removal will always be initiated by the payment gateway.
The service is broken down into three phases:
Phase of scanning the uploaded files
An automatic task allows to retrieve all the files uploaded to the SFTP server in order to transmit them to the payment gateway for validation.
- at 7:00 AM and 1:00 pm for the TEST files
- at 7:00 AM for all PRODUCTION files submitted before 7:00 AM
- at 1:00 PM for all PRODUCTION files submitted between 7:00 and 1:00 PM
Validation phase
Several checkups are made before processing the files.
- The naming rules specific to each file type must be applied. If there is a file that does not respect these naming rules, the validation process ends and the _ERROR suffix is added to the filename.
- The file size is analyzed.
If there is a file whose size is 0 bytes, the validation process ends and the _ERROR suffix is added to the filename.
- The payment gateway records the processed valid filenames.
If there is a file that has already been processed, the validation process ends and the _DUPLICATE suffix is added to the filename.
The files with a name that contains a _DUPLICATE, _ERROR suffix or the “.gz” extension are ignored.
Invalid files are stored in the request_ips folder until they are deleted by the Merchant or automatically purged.
Processing phase
When a valid file is processed, the request file (REQ) is moved to the result_ips directory.
A response file (ANS) is created in the result_ips directory.
If an anomaly is detected while the files are processed, a warning e-mail is sent to the merchant.