Providing the response file
The processing of payment y token files takes place daily at the following times in the Europe/Paris time zone :
- at 7:00 AM and 1:00 pm for the TEST files
- at 7:00 AM for all PRODUCTION files submitted before 7:00 AM
- at 1:00 PM for all PRODUCTION files submitted between 7:00 and 1:00 PM
Successfully processed request (REQ) files are moved to the shopId/result_ips directory.
The response files (ANS) are provided at the following times in the Europe/Paris zone:
- at 5:00 am for files processed at 4:00 am
- at 6:00 AM for files processed at 5:00 AM
- at 2:00 PM for files processed at 1:00 PM
The query file is automatically moved to the same directory.
The files in the shopId/result_ips directory are archived and then automatically purged. You cannot delete them.
In case of a file validation error, the request file is renamed with a _ERROR or _DUPLICATE suffix in the shopId/request_ips directory.
Once the error has been identified and fixed you can remove these files from shopId/request_ips directory.
Otherwise, they will be automatically deleted after 7 days.