Inicio rápido
Consulte esta página para una integración rápida en 3 etapas.
Consulte este enlace para leer la guía completa: Integración del formulario de pago.
Visualisez le mode de fonctionnement : Cinématique.
I. Crear el formToken
Autentifíquese con las claves de la API REST. Más información: Etapa 2: Autentificarse.
Utilice el Web Service Charge/CreatePayment con los datos del pago (monto, divisa, número de pedido, datos del comprador, etc.).
Ejemplo de solicitud
Si vous n'utilisez pas le champ paymentMethods
alors TOUS les moyens de paiement éligibles (devises, contraintes techniques,etc) associés à la boutique sont proposés (Voir : Sélectionner les moyens de paiement). La description et l'intégralité des champs sont disponibles depuis notre playground (menu à gauche) : Charge/CreatePayment.
- Recupere elformToken(campo
) para mostrar el formulario de pago
{ "status": "SUCCESS", "_type": "V4/WebService/Response", "webService": "Charge/CreatePayment", "applicationProvider": "LYRA", "version": "V4", "applicationVersion": "4.1.0", "answer": { "formToken": "DEMO-TOKEN-TO-BE-REPLACED", "_type": "V4/Charge/PaymentForm" } }
II. Mostrar el formulario
Tras generar el token:
- En el
A. chargez notre librairie JavaScript : src=""
B. intégrez obligatoirement la clé publique dans le paramètre
(3 ème clé du tableau des clés API REST ).C. intégrez d'autres paramètres d'initialisation, comme le paramètre
en cas de paiement accepté.D. Elija un tema. Más información en Temas.
Ejemplo de código para la tienda TEST
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <!-- A. load the JS librairy B. add the kr-public-key C. add parameters as kr-post-url-success (optionnal) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="69876357:testpublickey_DEMOPUBLICKEY95me92597fd28tGD4r5" kr-post-url-success="[SUCCESS PAYMENT URL]";> </script> <!-- D. add a theme néon should be loaded in the HEAD section --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </head> (...) </html>
- En el
- establezca el valorel formTokenen el atributo
(Ver:I. Crear el formToken)
- Elija el modo de presentación:
Modo lista (por defecto) | Modo Pop-in | Modo lista con tarjeta incrustada |
<body> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> | <body> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-popin kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> | <body> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-card-form-expanded kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> |
Más información : Modo lista | Más información : Modo pop-in | Más información : Modo lista con tarjeta incrustada |
Ejemplo de código para la tienda de TEST
Modo lista con tarjeta incrustada
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <!-- STEP : 1 : load the JS librairy 2 : required public key and the JS parameters as url sucess --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="69876357:testpublickey_DEMOPUBLICKEY95me92597fd28tGD4r5" kr-post-url-success="[SUCCESS PAYMENT URL]";> </script> <!-- 3 : theme néon should be loaded in the HEAD section --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </head> <body> <!-- 4 : display the form payment --> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-card-form-expanded kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"> </div> </body> </html>
También tiene la opción :
III. Analizar el resultado del pago
Analice el resultado del pago desde la IPN o desde el retorno del navegador.
A la fin du paiement, vous pouvez analyser le résultat du paiement depuis :- la notification de paiement instanée : IPN : Analyse de l'IPN (URL de notification).
- la respuesta enviada al navegador: Análisis del resultado del pago mediante devolución a la tienda.
Un mecanismo de seguridad verifica la autenticidad de la información enviada, con el kr-hash
En el objeto PAYMENT
, un ejemplo de kr-answer
, :
{ "shopId": "69876357", "orderCycle": "CLOSED", "orderStatus": "PAID", "serverDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:17+00:00", "orderDetails": { "orderTotalAmount": 990, "orderEffectiveAmount": 990, "orderCurrency": "EUR", "mode": "TEST", "orderId": "myOrderId-475882", "metadata": null, "_type": "V4/OrderDetails" }, "customer": { "billingDetails": { "address": null, "category": null, "cellPhoneNumber": null, "city": null, "country": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "language": "FR", "lastName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "title": null, "zipCode": null, "legalName": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/BillingDetails" }, "email": "", "reference": null, "shippingDetails": { "address": null, "address2": null, "category": null, "city": null, "country": null, "deliveryCompanyName": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "lastName": null, "legalName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "shippingMethod": null, "shippingSpeed": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "zipCode": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShippingDetails" }, "extraDetails": { "browserAccept": null, "fingerPrintId": null, "ipAddress": "", "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36", "_type": "V4/Customer/ExtraDetails" }, "shoppingCart": { "insuranceAmount": null, "shippingAmount": null, "taxAmount": null, "cartItemInfo": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShoppingCart" }, "_type": "V4/Customer/Customer" }, "transactions": [ { "shopId": "69876357", "uuid": "1c8356b0e24442b2acc579cf1ae4d814", "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "paymentMethodType": "CARD", "paymentMethodToken": null, "status": "PAID", "detailedStatus": "AUTHORISED", "operationType": "DEBIT", "effectiveStrongAuthentication": "ENABLED", "creationDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:16+00:00", "errorCode": null, "errorMessage": null, "detailedErrorCode": null, "detailedErrorMessage": null, "metadata": null, "transactionDetails": { "liabilityShift": "YES", "effectiveAmount": 990, "effectiveCurrency": "EUR", "creationContext": "CHARGE", "cardDetails": { "paymentSource": "EC", "manualValidation": "NO", "expectedCaptureDate": "2022-01-27T09:38:10+00:00", "effectiveBrand": "VISA", "pan": "497011XXXXXX1003", "expiryMonth": 12, "expiryYear": 2025, "country": "FR", "issuerCode": 17807, "issuerName": "Banque Populaire Occitane", "effectiveProductCode": null, "legacyTransId": "929936", "legacyTransDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:16+00:00", "paymentMethodSource": "NEW", "authorizationResponse": { "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "authorizationDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:16+00:00", "authorizationNumber": "3fe205", "authorizationResult": "0", "authorizationMode": "FULL", "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthorizationResponse" }, "captureResponse": { "refundAmount": null, "refundCurrency": null, "captureDate": null, "captureFileNumber": null, "effectiveRefundAmount": null, "effectiveRefundCurrency": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardCaptureResponse" }, "threeDSResponse": { "authenticationResultData": { "transactionCondition": null, "enrolled": null, "status": null, "eci": null, "xid": null, "cavvAlgorithm": null, "cavv": null, "signValid": null, "brand": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthenticationResponse" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/ThreeDSResponse" }, "authenticationResponse": { "id": "30eaa40d-dd76-4617-b527-4bed6240b81c", "operationSessionId": "ae6f2ad3ffea41bb8faf1aefabad87b9", "protocol": { "name": "THREEDS", "version": "2.1.0", "network": "VISA", "challengePreference": "NO_PREFERENCE", "simulation": true, "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/Protocol" }, "value": { "authenticationType": "CHALLENGE", "authenticationId": { "authenticationIdType": "dsTransId", "value": "bafdb21f-e3d6-4d1c-b4f6-d1668b7f7f21", "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationId" }, "authenticationValue": { "authenticationValueType": "CAVV", "value": "BqLgDBHYRaCBpip3Fn3+erKT9vg=", "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationValue" }, "status": "SUCCESS", "commerceIndicator": "05", "extension": { "authenticationType": "THREEDS_V2", "threeDSServerTransID": "30eaa40d-dd76-4617-b527-4bed6240b81c", "dsTransID": "bafdb21f-e3d6-4d1c-b4f6-d1668b7f7f21", "acsTransID": "bd6e58b4-6f37-4993-b428-9096766d83a6", "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationResultExtensionThreedsV2" }, "reason": { "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationResultReason" }, "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationResult" }, "_type": "V4/AuthenticationResponseData" }, "installmentNumber": null, "installmentCode": null, "markAuthorizationResponse": { "amount": null, "currency": null, "authorizationDate": null, "authorizationNumber": null, "authorizationResult": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/MarkAuthorizationResponse" }, "cardHolderName": null, "identityDocumentNumber": null, "identityDocumentType": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/CardDetails" }, "fraudManagement": { "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/FraudManagement" }, "subscriptionDetails": { "subscriptionId": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/SubscriptionDetails" }, "parentTransactionUuid": null, "mid": "9999999", "sequenceNumber": 1, "taxAmount": null, "preTaxAmount": null, "taxRate": null, "externalTransactionId": null, "nsu": null, "tid": "001", "acquirerNetwork": "CB", "taxRefundAmount": null, "userInfo": "JS Client", "paymentMethodTokenPreviouslyRegistered": null, "occurrenceType": "UNITAIRE", "_type": "V4/TransactionDetails" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentTransaction" } ], "subMerchantDetails": null, "_type": "V4/Payment" }
- Para más información, Etapa 5: Analizar el resultado del pago ).