Hosted Payment Page
- Definitions
- Different types of payments
- The 3D Secure authentication
- Understanding the payment flow
- Offering additional payment attempts
- Transaction lifecycle
- Establishing interaction with the payment gateway
- Setting up notifications
- Notifications about the various statuses of an immediate payment
- Notifications about the different statuses of a deferred payment
- Notifications about the various statuses of installments
- Accessing the notification center
- Setting up the Instant Payment Notification
- Setting up a notification on batch authorization
- Setting up notifications in case of abandoned or canceled payments
- Instant Payment Notification URL on an operation coming from the Back Office
- Setting up a notification on batch change
- Automatic retry in case of failure
- Configuring e-mails sent to the merchant
- Configuring e-mails sent to the buyer
- Generating a payment form
- Using additional features
- Managing the return to the merchant website
- Enabling automatic return to the merchant website
- Defining the capture mode (automatic/manual)
- Transmitting buyer details
- Transmit shipping details
- Transmitting order details
- Transmitting merchant preferences
- Overriding the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL
- Defining the Merchant ID (MID)
- Creating specific fields according to your requirements
- Transmitting sub-merchant details
- Customizing elements on the payment page
- Computing the signature
- Sending the payment request
- Implementing the IPN
- Returning to the shop
- Obtaining help
- Data dictionary
- Viewing parameters sorted by category
- signature
- vads_acquirer_network
- vads_acquirer_payment_reference
- vads_acquirer_service_supplier_id
- vads_acquirer_transient_data
- vads_action_mode
- vads_amount
- vads_archival_reference_id
- vads_auth_mode
- vads_auth_number
- vads_auth_result
- vads_authent_paypal_protection_eligibility
- vads_authent_nsu
- vads_available_languages
- vads_avs_result
- vads_bank_code
- vads_bank_label
- vads_bank_product
- vads_birth_day
- vads_birth_month
- vads_birth_year
- vads_brand_management
- vads_capture_delay
- vads_card_brand
- vads_card_country
- vads_card_holder_name
- vads_card_nature
- vads_card_number
- vads_card_product_category
- vads_change_rate
- vads_collection_expiry_date
- vads_contracts
- vads_contract_used
- vads_contrib
- vads_ctx_mode
- vads_currency
- vads_cust_address
- vads_cust_address2
- vads_cust_address_number
- vads_cust_cell_phone
- vads_cust_city
- vads_cust_country
- vads_cust_district
- vads_cust_email
- vads_cust_first_name
- vads_cust_id
- vads_cust_last_name
- vads_cust_legal_name
- vads_cust_name
- vads_cust_national_id
- vads_cust_phone
- vads_cust_state
- vads_cust_status
- vads_cust_title
- vads_cust_zip
- vads_dcc_amount
- vads_dcc_currency
- vads_dcc_markup
- vads_dcc_rate_date
- vads_effective_amount
- vads_effective_creation_date
- vads_effective_currency
- vads_expiry_month
- vads_expiry_year
- vads_ext_info
- vads_ext_info_bil_address_complement
- vads_ext_info_bil_date_of_birth
- vads_ext_info_bil_gender
- vads_ext_info_deadline
- vads_ext_info_description
- vads_ext_info_fingerprint_id
- vads_ext_info_ship_address_complement
- vads_ext_info_ship_date_of_birth
- vads_ext_info_ship_gender
- vads_ext_info_soft_descriptor
- vads_ext_trans_id
- vads_extra_result
- vads_first_installment_delay
- vads_hash
- vads_identifier
- vads_identifier_previously_registered
- vads_identifier_status
- vads_iframe_options
- vads_initial_issuer_transaction_identifier
- vads_insurance_amount
- vads_language
- vads_nb_products
- vads_occurrence_type
- vads_operation_type
- vads_order_description
- vads_order_id
- vads_order_info
- vads_order_info2
- vads_order_info3
- vads_override_payment_cinematic
- vads_page_action
- vads_payment_cards
- vads_payment_certificate
- vads_payment_config
- vads_payment_error
- vads_payment_option_code
- vads_payment_seq
- vads_payment_src
- vads_pays_ip
- vads_presentation_date
- vads_pretax_amount
- vads_product_amountN
- vads_product_ext_idN
- vads_product_labelN
- vads_product_qtyN
- vads_product_refN
- vads_product_typeN
- vads_product_vatN
- vads_proof_of_id_number
- vads_proof_of_id_type
- vads_recurrence_number
- vads_recurrence_status
- vads_redirect_error_message
- vads_redirect_error_timeout
- vads_redirect_success_message
- vads_redirect_success_timeout
- vads_requestor
- vads_result
- vads_return_mode
- vads_risk_analysis_result
- vads_risk_assessment_result
- vads_risk_control
- vads_sequence_number
- vads_ship_to_city
- vads_ship_to_country
- vads_ship_to_delay
- vads_ship_to_delivery_company_name
- vads_ship_to_district
- vads_ship_to_first_name
- vads_ship_to_last_name
- vads_ship_to_legal_name
- vads_ship_to_name
- vads_ship_to_phone_num
- vads_ship_to_speed
- vads_ship_to_status
- vads_ship_to_state
- vads_ship_to_street
- vads_ship_to_street2
- vads_ship_to_street_number
- vads_ship_to_type
- vads_ship_to_user_info
- vads_ship_to_zip
- vads_shipping_amount
- vads_shop_name
- vads_shop_url
- vads_site_id
- vads_subscription
- vads_sub_amount
- vads_sub_currency
- vads_sub_desc
- vads_sub_effect_date
- vads_sub_init_amount
- vads_sub_init_amount_number
- vads_submerchant_address
- vads_submerchant_address2
- vads_submerchant_city
- vads_submerchant_company_type
- vads_submerchant_country
- vads_submerchant_facilitatorId
- vads_submerchant_legal_number
- vads_submerchant_mcc
- vads_submerchant_mid
- vads_submerchant_name
- vads_submerchant_phone
- vads_submerchant_soft_descriptor
- vads_submerchant_state
- vads_submerchant_url
- vads_submerchant_zip
- vads_tax_amount
- vads_tax_rate
- vads_tax_refund_amount
- vads_theme_config
- vads_threeds_auth_type
- vads_threeds_cavv
- vads_threeds_cavvAlgorithm
- vads_threeds_eci
- vads_threeds_enrolled
- vads_threeds_error_code
- vads_threeds_exit_status
- vads_threeds_mpi
- vads_threeds_sign_valid
- vads_threeds_status
- vads_threeds_xid
- vads_tid
- vads_token_id
- vads_totalamount_vat
- vads_trans_date
- vads_trans_id
- vads_trans_status
- vads_trans_uuid
- vads_url_cancel
- vads_url_check
- vads_url_check_src
- vads_url_error
- vads_url_post_wallet
- vads_url_referral
- vads_url_refused
- vads_url_return
- vads_url_success
- vads_use_case
- vads_user_info
- vads_validation_mode
- vads_version
- vads_wallet
- vads_warranty_result